Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog Post #3

The characters and events in my book relate to characters and events that I have seen in TV shows, movies, and read about in other books. For example, Katniss's family is poor and is struggling just to get by. That is just like Frankie's family in Angela's Ashes. Another example is when they talk about escaping from the Hunger Games arena (which actually took place in the second book is referred back to a number of times in this book). Katniss was rescued from the arena by the rebels. That is like when Han Solo and Luke Skywalkwer rescued Princess Leiha from the empire in Star Wars.


  1. Good references and I do understand what is being compared. In a way this could relate to my camparison because of the "rescue" situation.

  2. cassidy's dumb dont listen to her

  3. cassidy's so dumb she dosen't know what she's talking about
