Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #2

(1a) A character that I really like in my book so far is Gale. Gale is the main character's best friend. He will do anything to defend Katniss even if it puts his life in danger. He tries to protect her as best as he can. He is calm and smart and is able to see some of the things that Katniss overlooks. An example of why I like Gale is when Katniss is trying to make the decision of whether or not to be the Mockingjay for the rebels. Through the whole process Gale is there to support her and make sure that she makes the right decision. If he found 100$ on the ground, he would probably take it but then give most of it to Katniss. This is times are very hard in the time of this book and any money that you can get is helpful no matter what way you get it.


This picture is the rebel alliance in Star Wars. This represents the rebels in district 13 that are fighting back against the Capitol.

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